Sunday, August 28, 2011

Some thoughts

I've had a very rough and trying weekend; I don't want to go into any sort of detail about what happened, but my testimony grew.  First of all, with what happened last night, I managed to be able to call a friend and I'm really glad I had that friend that I could call.  Someone who was going to remind me he cared about me and loved me and helped calm me down, while insisting I talk to President Koide today.  While my friend helped and I knew talking to President Koide today would help, there were several hours in between that I really needed some help.  I've been seriously slacking in my personal scripture study and prayers lately, and I realized that was something I needed right then.  So it's about one in the morning and I'm trying my best to stay awake to do this.  I figured it was about time to read my patriarchal blessing as well because it's been awhile since I last read it; that more than any of the other scripture reading helped me the most.  Things stood out to me that never had before and it strengthened my testimony about how much Heavenly Father knows and loves us.  It helped me realize my patriarchal blessing really is guide for my entire life and that at certain times I'm going to need certain things.  I then read my scriptures and said my prayers.  While I was in tears praying I literally felt arms wrap around me, which isn't the first time I've had that experience, but it helps me grow every time.  I know that Heavenly Father knows me.  I know that He loves me and knows what is best for me.  Sacrament meeting talks were exactly what I needed to hear today, as well as my talk with President Koide.  Things aren't any better, but my vision is a little clearer. 


Rachael said...

Rose, you are amazing. Thanks so much for this post, it made my day! We love you!

Rachael said...

This is Rachael by the way... :)

Rose said...

I love you too!